Opening/Closing Modules

Opening/Closing Modules

1.1.2.Opening Modules





Menu > Sales Activity

     Click SALES Activity

     Click QUOTATION Module

     Click INVOICE Module

These will open the Quotation and D.O. Module for you to work on

Menu > Purchases Activity

     Click PURCHASES Activity            You can also open up modules in other activity at the

     Click SUPPLIER INVOICE               same time







Menu >

Purchases Activity>

Supplier Invoice

     Click NEW

     Move mouse to VENDOR box


     Select & Click OPEN

By pointing the mouse on the certain entry boxes,

and right-click, it will open up the respective



In this case, you can see that Business Partner is opened.


In this screen, you can open the following modules on the move.

      Business Partner

      Payment Terms



      Item Code Switching Modules







Windows >

Top Menu Bar

     Click Windows

     Select QUOTATION

     Select INVOICE

You are able to call previously modules to the top

to work on.


You can switch between modules and work on

them simultaneously without having to close them. Closing Modules




See red box A

     Click ‘X’ at the top right corner of the dialogue box

This will close the respective module

See red box B

     Click ‘X’ at end of the module name           Notice that an ‘X’ appears when the

respective modules are opened.

It will disappear once it is closed.

See red box C

     Click Windows

     Select Close ALL

This will close all the opened modules

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