Cancel Order

Cancel Order

Should you wish to cancel service here are things you should know.
  1. Access to the database will be stopped once the maintenance date has passed.
  2. You need to print/PDF/export the reports you need before the end date. 
  3. you can request a backup of the database. 
  1. Backup request can be made after the maintenance date. (Review data retention policy)
  2. The backup is a MSSQL backup. this means you need to restore the backup on to a MS SQL server in order to access the data.
  3. You cannot open the backup of the database without a SQL server. 
  4. You need to consult your own IT about setting up a MSSQL Server.
  5. The backup will contain all companies that were sharing the database. 
  6. The backup will be zipped up to make file transfer easier. the zip file will have a password.
  1. The password is your serial number. 
  2. the serial is the master company serial number.
  3. this will be the serial number starting with 53.
  1. A link to download the backup will be provided after the maintenance date. the backup will only be extracted after the end date.
  1. backup will not be provided before maintenance end date.
  2. this link will will expire after 7 days.
  3. link will be emailed to the last verified RSE.
  1. Support will not be able to provide any assistance with the backup file or SQL server.

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