Cannot connect issues

Cannot connect issues

If you see error messages that have the words 'server not found' this usually indicates a connectivity issue.
other common words that you may see are errors with 'TCP/IP' .
steps to follow
  1. using a web browser, go to a news website.
    The purpose is to check your internet connection. A browser tends to try connecting through multiple connections.
  2. if your internet was on sleep mode, the web browser may wake up connection.
  3. after ensuring that your connection is up,  do a speed test to verify that the internet connection stability. 
  4. you can go
    once the words become black, click on the additional information button.
    if you use other sites for the speed test, look for the words that say 'latency' or 'ping'
    latency is use to help identify how long it takes data from your PC to reach the server.
    for a server that is in Singapore and a PC that is in Singapore latency should be under 10ms. 
if you are able to browse the internet and the latency is within limits, try connecting to the database again.

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