Installation Guide For Cloud Hosting (SAM)

Installation Guide For Cloud Hosting (SAM)

Please follow the all the 6 Steps. 
There are repeating videos to show you what to do.
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  1. The license email will contain the serial number and password in both text and PDF format.
    The same serial number and password is used for each PC the software is installed on.
    Each company will have its own serial number.
  2. If you have installed a trial version or training database and are now trying to connect to your live company, ensure you use the Multi-profile Company Launcher.
  3. If you have connected to an existing company and are now trying to connect to a new company, ensure you use the Multi-profile Company Launcher.
  4. The 32 bit Multi-profile Company launcher is only for 32bit windows. Most Users are 64bit windows , if you do not know which version to use the 64bit version first.

Step 1
Download the Client Software.
Scroll to the bottom of this page.
Find the "Attachments" section
Find the "SAM Hosting Installer.Zip"
Look for the Download Icon.
click the "download button".

Step 2
Install the Client Software.
Go to your downloads folder.
unzip the file first.
Go to the unzipped folder
click on the setup.exe in the unzip folder.
click on next.
wait for the installation to finish.

Step 3
Download the Multi Profile Company Launcher.
scroll to the bottom of the page
Look for the Attachments Section
Look for "ocimultiprofilelauncher"
most users are 64bit, download the 64bit.
Look for the download Icon
Click on the Download Icon.

Step 4
Create a folder for the Multi Profile Company Launcher.
you can place it on your Desktop for easy access.
Create a folder on your desktop. 
rename the folder to OCI.
Open your downloads folders
copy the Multi Company Launcher to  the new folder you created.

Step 5
Create the company profiles.
Open the folder on your Desktop and start the Multi Profile Company Launcher.
Click on Profiles on the top menu bar.
Click on Add profiles
Give the profile a name.
the training database is a company. this will be usually be the first profile you will add.
If you have multiple companies you will one profile for each company. 
Each company will have their own serial number and password.
after creating a profile click on the start beside the profile to add it to the favorites. 
The serial number/Password can be in a PDF or in the email sent to the system admin.
Note: When coping the password or serial number be careful of copying an extra space at the end.

Step 6
Start the System
To start the accounting system
click launch button for the selected company.