Password Reset

Password Reset

If you need to assist a user who has forgotten their password, follow the steps below.

Navigate to Maintenance > Access Control > User (Cross Company) and identify the registration which belongs to that user.

Note: If you are unable to navigate to this module or edit the registration, it means that your login account does not have the role permission to access this module. You will have to contact the user who was designated as the system administrator (SYSADMIN role) to carry out these steps.

Once you have identified the registration belonging to the user in question, and clicked "Edit", you will see the page below.

Proceed to change the password.

You have the option either:
  1. assign the password to the user and disclose it to him/her, or
  2. set a simple temporary password, and toggle "Change At Next Login"
Refer to images above and below, respectively.

Toggling that function enables a prompt for the user to set their own password upon logging in with the temporary password assigned.

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