Preparing for Webinar

Preparing for Webinar

To have a good experience for the webinar, we recommend using a headset with a mic.
Your laptop may have a built in mic and audio but the environment may not be conducive.
eg, fan sounds affecting the audio. 

A good stable internet is also must. Video quality will degrade if your bandwidth is insufficient.
Below are some checks you can to prepare.

Hardware check.
  1. Mic
    1. does your computer have slots like these?
    2. if your PC has slots like the above you should use a headset and mic with a seperate cable for the mic.
    3. If  it is a combination slots, where the mic and audio out are in the same slot. in this case you can use your phone's headset. 
    4. Alternatively there are headsets that connect via USB.
  2. Webcam ( optional)
    1. some external webcams do have built in mics.
  3. Speakers
    1. You can play the audio through the headset.
    Audio settings check.

    Right Click on the Speaker Icon on the taskbar,

    Click 'Open Sound Settings.'

    In this screen you'll see an output and Input selection.
    these are the devices that will be used.
    So if you have plugged in a headset and the sounds still play from your PC speakers you can come in here to change the output device.

    the next thing to check is the mic.
    Start talking and you should see the bar move. if you are not talking and the bar moves, there is ambient sounds that the mic is picking up.
    eg. a fan blowing near the mic.

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