For multi-user Chequewriter or Accounting system, there will be a SQL server installed.
the PC where the SQL server is installed is commonly referred to as the Main PC.
the SQL server runs as a service inside the Main PC.
sometimes this service is stopped and you will receive messages like 'Server not found'
there are a various reasons why the service is stopped, but the common cause is due to windows updates.
the updates will stop the service while running to prevent data loss.
the service may not get started after the update so you'll need to restart the service.
Go to control panel -> Administrative Tools
Find Services
Look for the service 'SQL Server'

it is our default to name the SQL instance 'OCI2008R2'
the name on your service may differ.
the Status is 'Blank', this means that it is not running.
Click on 'Start' or the 'play' button to start the service.
Once the status says 'Running', you can try the connection again.