How do I Register or Un-register my PC?

How do I Register or Un-register my PC?


How can I Register or Un-Register Our PC for the OCi Accounting System Version 10.


You can do it by Login to the Accounting System as Admin and Follow the steps from the Maintenance Activity.

Step 1
  1. To Un-Register your OLD PC Click Maintenance -> registration -> pc id administration
  2. As you see from the following screenshot Click the Edit Button.
  3. Find the PC which one don't want to use from now and highlight it by click over it.
  4. Click the (-) button to remove this PC from the list.
  5. Click Save button.

Step 2

  1. To Register your New PC Click MAINTENANCE -> REGISTRATION -> PC ID regISTRATION
  2. As you see from the following screen shot verify the Register Button is Active.
  3. Click Register Button to Register your Current PC.
  4. Done.


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