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Google Meet Screensharing
During google meet sessions, you may be requested to share your screen. please note that when you share screen, the entire window will be visible. please close any applications you do not want to share before sharing the screen. To share your screen ...
Google Meet
Google Meet is a browser base app. Below are the links for the supported browsers. Google Meet will require permissions to access your mic and camera. when you are prompted click allow. when you ...
What to expect during a webinar
In order to have a pleasant experience here are a few thing to expect. Please connect a few minutes earlier. this is to facilitate any connectivity issue you may have. once connected you can mute video and mic. and come back to your PC when the ...
Preparing for Webinar
To have a good experience for the webinar, we recommend using a headset with a mic. Your laptop may have a built in mic and audio but the environment may not be conducive. eg, fan sounds affecting the audio. A good stable internet is also must. ...