Norton Firewall Setting
A recent Norton update has caused the firewall to block our system. if you see the following screen popup. check that it says OCAC.exe and that it is connecting to port 1433 (MS-SQL) choose all outgoing and incoming connections. if you choose other ...
Exported excel figures convert text to numbers.
Due to formatting requirements numbers get stored as text in Excel. in order to apply formulars to these texts you will need to convert them to numbers first. Method 1 This method only works in Excel. Step 1. to select the region, click on the column ...
Windows Defender false positive issue
it has been identified that a version of windows defender is flagging our system as a virus. Windows Defender automatically deletes the file causing the system throw an error. the version with issue is Security intelligence verion : 1.415.133.0 To ...
SAM Folder location
the default SAM folder location On-premises %localappdata%\OCisystem\SAM Hosting %localappdata%\OCisystem\SAMR2 the location is typed into the address bar.
Checking our URLs are allowed
Our system does licence checks and auto updates which requires internet connection. some firewalls block this. a simple test to see if the URL can go through. paste the URL below into the address bar of the web browser you should see something ...
Restoring of Customer Database of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
On this page we can find the way to connect to our Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 and restoring our company database Backup to the "ocac" database from the installation CD or from our previous ...
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Installation
Click on the New Installation option to continue the Installation. Tick “I accept the License Terms” check box on the above window and click next button. Wait for a while to next window to appear… ...
Configuring the Microsoft SQL Server Configuration Manager
Click on the Windows Start Button, choose all programs. Then click menus in following order… 1. Click on Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 2. Click on Configuration Tools 3. Click on SQL Server Configuration Manager ...
rebuild WMI repository
For Windows 7 and Windows 2008 Servers: winmgmt /salvagerepository To perform a repair/re-sync of the Windows 10 WMI repository: Open an elevated command prompt. Verify the WMI repository is not corrupt by running the following command: winmgmt ...
Restarting SQL service
For multi-user Chequewriter or Accounting system, there will be a SQL server installed. the PC where the SQL server is installed is commonly referred to as the Main PC. the SQL server runs as a service inside the Main PC. sometimes this service is ...
System unable to update
The accounting system starts in 2 parts. there is a program that checks for updates and then activates the main program. users who use the 'Pin to taskbar' to pin the icon to the taskbar are in fact pinning the main program only, thereby skipping the ...
Firewall and antivirus.
For both on-premise and hosting, our software makes connection to our licencing server for information. Firewalls and antivirus can block this process. firewalls can block internet access to websites for the whole company. antivirus can prevent ...
Receiving 'Timeout' error messages.
Timeout type error occur when the system takes too long to complete a request. The default timeout is set to 3-5 mins. the system has a function to manually extend this. this is done by placing a configuration file in the application folder. the ...