Chinese Fonts on Windows 11
On windows 11, the default package that gets installed may have issues or is not complete. It is recommend that you reinstall the language supplemental font package. in the Setting program search 'Features' go to optional features. if supplementals ...
Chinese fonts on Windows 10 (2nd & 3rd Method)
Method 2. If the font are not displaying correctly even after installing the language pack you can try the following setting. Right click on the icon. go to properties. Click on Compatibility -> Change High DPI setting Change the setting to match my ...
High DPI Settings
For windows 10, there are some options you can use for High DPI. Right click on the icon -> select Properties. Click on Compatibility ->Change High DPI tick and select the following selections. Click Apply -> then OK this will resolve the user ...
Weird character being displayed when exporting to CSV.
If you have non english text (eg, chinese characters) in the data when you export to excel. the unicode characters will lose their formatting when you export to excel. you'll need to tell Execl to format the CSV for you. select unicode as the ...
Document Layout display
When the preview of the document layout looks compressed or shifted to onside or the other. this is likely due to the DPI issue. you can reference Windows DPI scaling to adjust your settings. alternative if you do not wish to adjust your scaling, you ...
Chinese fonts not displaying correctly on windows 10.
For users who's system upgrade to window 10 may experience issue with chinese fonts not displaying correctly. Users will need to adjust some of the font settings. Step 1: left click on "Start (button)" Step 1 screenshot. Step 2: left click on ...
Windows DPI scaling
Due to newer high resolution displays, the default DPI may not be set to 100%. this will affect the rendering of document layout. The preview will look smaller or shrunken. to resolve this you will need to set the DPI back to 100% dpi Please note you ...