InvoiceNow Accelerate Quickstart Guide

InvoiceNow Accelerate Quickstart Guide

For InvoiceNow Accelerate Program, the system is provided with a basic setup. You will need to follow this Quickstart guide to complete the setup.

Setup and Checks

  1. Setup your company details
    InvoiceNow Accelerate Company Setup
  2. Setup your financial period
    InvoiceNow Accelerate Financial Year Setup
  3. Setup your Running No. format
    InvoiceNow Accelerate Running No. Setup

Sending an e-Invoice (Sales/Tax Invoice)

  1. Register your Customer
    PEPPOL Business Partner Registration
  2. Verify that your Customer is PEPPOL registered. 
    PEPPOL Directories
  3. Creatine and Sending the e-Invoice
    PEPPOL Sending an invoice
  4. For e-Invoices meant for Singapore Government agencies, there are additional requirements.
    PEPPOL Sending Invoice to Singapore Government Agencies (AGD)

Receiving an e-Invoice (Supplier's Invoice)

  1. Verify that Item setup is complete
    PEPPOL Require Item
  2. Verify that Tax Code setup is complete
    PEPPOL Tax Code
  3. Ensure your Supplier has been registered
    PEPPOL Business Partner Registration
  4. Downloading the e-invoice sent by your Supplier.
     PEPPOL Receiving an invoice